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Search for 'SketchFighter 4000' returned 3 results.

SketchFighter 4000 Preview
game: SketchFighter 4000
preview | 12/26/05 | Aaron Stanton
Though large publishers like EA and Ubisoft might get most of the mainstream media coverage, the most creative companies sometimes tend to be smaller, less well known. Ambrosia Software, creators of Darwinia, have come up with another instantly recognizable success. Now heading into Beta, SketchFighter 4000 is an action exploration game that\'s defined by its presentation. The entire game looks like it was drawn during third period on a notepad.
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Joystiq Puts Together Xbox 360s Content Delivery Plans
news | 10/14/05 | Shawn Rider
In a great analysis of Microsoft\'s latest announcements about Xbox Live Arcade for Xbox 360, Joystiq\'s Vladimir Cole details how Xbox Live Arcade is a growing threat to the traditional retail chain. And that\'s not necessarily a bad thing for game publishers: \"Sure, the games on offer right now are non-threatening casual games, but it's only a matter of time until gamers are downloading entire triple-A titles and not just demos of them. With more and more retailers moving towards the sale of used games, first- and third-party publishers are going to push the direct-to-consumer channel even harder.\" Check out 4000680063369/\"" onClick="window.open( this.href, '_self' ); return false;" title="">the full story on Joystiq here.
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Fan Mock-ups of the Revolution Controller
news | 09/04/05 | Aaron Stanton
This is a day for Revolution news. We\'ve already mentioned this site elsewhere on GamesFirst, but in light of the upcoming possible unveiling of the Nintendo Revolution controller in just a few days, we figured we\'d point out some rather light-hearted entertainment to deal with the system. Joystiq.com has an article up that recaps and links to a number of fan mock-ups of the Nintendo Revolution controller. Included in the list are supposed eyewitness reports that may or may not be true. They\'re fun to read over knowing there\'s a possibility that you\'ll know the truth by the 16th of this month, which makes the mystery a bit more bearable. It will also make the disappointment sharper if Nintendo continues keeping its mouth shut. Included in the list of suggested features for the Revolution controller are such things like hot and cold feedback regions and the ever-popular touch-pad screen. Check it out.
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